

Valper født 7. februar 2010./ Puppies born  February 7. 2010.

1 Hannhund & 4 tisper/ 1 Dog & 4 Bitches


Stolt mamma "Nora" og valpene 3 uker/ Proud mummy "Nora" & her puppies 3 weeks old.

Everybody 3 weeks old/ Alle valpene 3 uker gamle.

Our 4 Bitches/ Våre 4 tisper.

The only Dog 3 weeks old/ Kullets eneste hannhund 3 uker gamle.

Bitch 1, 3 weeks old/ Tispe 1, 3 uker gammel.

Bitch 2, 3 weeks old/ Tispe 2, 3 uker gammel.

Bitch 3, 3 weeks old/ Tispe 3, 3 uker gammel.

Bitch 4, 3 weeks old/ Tispe 4, 3 uker gammel.

Stolt mamma "Nora"/ Proud mummy "Nora"

"Nora" and her puppies 7 days old/ "Nora" og valpene en uke gammel.

Sire: N Ch Viola-Hirta`s Artful Sunshine "Artiz"

Dam: N DK Ch Danilos Prelude Nora "Nora"



Seriøst intressert kan ta kontakt pr telefon eller mail:

If you are interested and serious  you can call or e-mail us:

Telefon/Phone: 00 47 33 45 06 09

 Mobil: 00 47 90 64 88 37



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